Sunday, October 27, 2013

Shine on Summer

Summer-what a fabulous time. With Sheila's help, I planned a trip to Ireland within ONE week. Once I booked the flight I began to stress over everything I planned to do around the house in the summer. I didn't pack until the night before my flight. 
Once I arrived on Irish soil all the stress and fear left my body. I felt safe, secure, warm and welcomed. My cousins Paddy and Pauline met me at the airport. Although I should have been tired from my travel we talked, laughed and enjoyed the hour drive back home. 

"Home" is my dad's birthplace where Paddy and Pauline have put many years of labor renovating the place. The house is on a hill overlooking the countryside. The weather was a perfect 60-ish temperature with an occasional drizzle. I felt complete walking the fields with the horses, going to aqua aerobics class, visiting with cousins and friends particularly those close to home. In nine days I was able to see three plays, visit a museum, go shopping in Northern Ireland, lounge and chat in pubs and cafes and stay up until 11pm because it was still daylight outside. 

My favorite outing was my shopping trip with Pauline and Angela. Both ladies dressed to the nines to go shopping. Pauline with a nice gray pant suit, Angela dressed in purple skirt and jacket, scarf, hat and fabulous shoes. I didn't know we should dress up to go shopping. I slugged along in my jeans and sweatshirt. Another favorite was my visit with my neighbor Brendan who spent an hour explaining his method of environmental friendly sustainable agriculture. Brendan is an extremely intelligent young man who works full time as a farmer and full time environmental engineer. I recently had an email from him about bee keeping and raising alpacas in Ireland. And lastly, John Callaghan, who had put the tractor to bed for the night when I arrived at his house at 10pm. I wanted to ride the tractor and he pulled it out of the barn, mainly for a photo op. with me. We had a great time talking and sharing memories late into the night. 

Back in the U.S. I had one week before I began classes for my professional development. I still haven't done the things I had planned for the summer around the house. Oh Well!!!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Snow Day

Yeah, snow day today. School was called off yesterday at 6pm because of the pending snow storm which was supposed to start around midnight. I assume it didn't start until about 5 am or so. It's beautiful outside. Soft snowflakes falling hard and fast. Had breakfast with my creative and artistic friend Karen at 8:30. It's highly likely I may have stayed in bed until 10 if she didn't call. Colin came home for spring break (from Georgia). Welcome home, Colin! It's nice to see you shoveling snow. 

Over the past few years I've been trying to find ways to manage stress without any success implementing what I learn. Stress, I believe, is the root of all disease. To quote Louise Hay "stress is a fear reaction to life and life's constant change." Anticipating future "change" and de-stressing my life, lead me to a Feng Shui design class recently. What I brought home from this class was that I need to make deeper change within my home. I need to somehow find a way to increase air circulation and allow natural light. I understand that Feng Shui is a process that goes into the initial stages of planning to build and renovate a house. While I can't afford to tear down my house and start all over, I am sure I can discover some air-purifying plants and inexpensive ways to assemble the elements of  natural light and a peaceful flow in my home. Because my days begin and end at home I need to create a peaceful atmosphere as my base to launch myself into the wild and wonderful world. Any ideas are much appreciated. 

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Ballyjamesduff - the town where I grew up.

Ballyjamesduff  - old pic

Notice the Market Place has a facelift

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Recent pictures of Ballyjamesduff

Remodeled Market Place.

Percy French wrote "Come Back Paddy Reilly to Ballyjamesduff"
Ballyjamesduff when I was growing up

St. Joseph's Catholic church.

Old Ballyjamesduff. 

The town where I grew up, Ballyjamesduff, was first mentioned in the Registry of Deeds in 1714.

Must be Sunday morning-People getting their newspaper at Murphys
We always went to Mass on Sunday morning and walked to the shop for the paper. St. Clares Convent, seen in the background on the hill, was opened in 1883 by the Poor Clare nuns. Because of dwindling community, the nuns closed the convent in 1992 and moved into a house in Percy French park.

Percy French Arms Hotel, a really nice hotel and is no longer used as a hotel.  

St. Clares Convent on the hill closed in 1992.
Part of the building is the Cavan County Museum. 

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Why do I feel like a sloth? I worked until 9:30 Friday night taking tickets for the basketball game. Went back to school on Saturday morning at 8am for a Prezi class. Landed home at 4:30. Poor doggies spent 6 days in the house alone all day. This morning I woke to heavy rain with a promise of sunny and 40 degrees in the afternoon. No such luck. Very windy, gray and dull outside.  I was adventurous and made zucchini burgers for dinner. They are more like onion burgers. I used 1 whole onion instead of 1/3. I have sliced rosemary sweet potatoes baking in the oven right now. Stewed Granny Smith apples with cinnamon and nutmeg for snack later tonight.
To my puppies, I promise Spring is coming and we can get out to walk again. I won't make you run up and down the stairs for exercise anymore.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Wisconsin Dells

String Theory

Our first 2" snowfall and we went for a walk in the forest. Kasey gave up, too many snowballs on his coat. 

Monica and Erich's Wedding June 2, 2012

Kasey and I drove to Cincinnati to be with my daughter Monica and her new husband Erich. The drive was beautiful, Thanksgiving day was beautiful. The day after Thanksgiving was windy and cold. Since Monica worked, Erich entertained me by taking me to the Cincinnati Art Museum and to Findlay Market. I had a really good time. Saturday night we went to see Lincoln.